Friday, October 12, 2012


‘Tunia, here.  It’s been a while since I blogged but we’ve been so busy here.  It’s all I can do to get my napping in!
Fall is definitely my favorite time of year.  I can nap on our big front porch (Yep, that's me in a flower pot) without getting too hot and when I’m awake, I scoff at those silly squirrels hiding nuts.  Even though I occasionally chase them, I do always take a moment to remember how lucky I am that I don’t have to worry about eating in the winter since I came to live here at Senior Citizens.  I hear people say that SCI helps me and about 1,800 other old cats eat everyday with their Meals On Wheels program.  Much better than trying to remember where the nuts are buried!
Besides looking down my nose at the squirrels, I have been very busy helping with our events.  We had a really fun activity last week as part of the Senior Safari called “Bikes and Brews”.  Some really cool guys with long hair brought their big motorcycles to the front yard and some of my friends gathered to listen to Terrie Mathews sing and drink beer.  There was a lot of fancy dancing going on.  One couple danced just for me as I lay on the porch.  Much more entertaining than the squirrels!
One of the best parts of this time of year is the start of a new Learning Center semester and I just love having all these kind, head patting folks around.  I sat in on a class about Ernest Heming way (a real nut) and one about the largest natural disasters in America.  My friend, Roger, said that a big hurricane hit Galveston and one even hit Savannah many years ago.    He told me not to worry though.  Senior Citizens has already distributed a box of food to our friends to use just in case we have to leave town.  He also said that we also keep a list of folks that don’t have families like I do to help them leave town.  This list is given to the police so they can help them move to safer ground.  Maybe I’ll tell the squirrels about the list….after my nap!

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