Monday, March 19, 2012


I have gotten a lot of questions regarding whether or not I am really the blogger.  Well, as you can see from this photo, I am hard at work!

It's hard to believe it that St. Patti's Day is over (One of my Mom's, Patti, told me it was spelled this way...I'm just indulging her!) Anyway, we are all hard at work here on the big Titanic event.  Did you know that April 14th is the actual 100th anniversary of that great ship sinking?  That evening, The Learning Center is having a dinner to commemorate it.  My Pal, Roger, said it will be at the Chatham Club and will be very educational and yummy...the menu is based on what was actually served on that fateful night.  Roger said I would like the food (I hear there will be quail!), but I'm not allowed to attend.  I'm not sure if it's because they didn't have cats on board or not. 

If you want to know more about the dinner, give Roger a call at 912-236-0363.  I won't be there but I promise to keep working hard on my blog.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I love Wednesday's here in the Lobby of Senior Citizens!  That's because it's our biggest day at The Learning Center.  For those of you who haven't been to the Center, let me fill you in.  There are classes and interesting stuff happening everyday!  I often wonder in on the Italian, French and German Coversation Groups and and even been a model for one of the various art groups.  I watch the movies on Friday mornings (several people let me sit on their laps so I can see the screen!) but my favorite day is Wednesdays.  There are so many people here and almost everyone stops by my chair to give me a quick pat on their way to class.  This semester I've heard people talking about Venice, Steinbeck and architecture.  Nothing really interesting to this cat but everyone seems so excited and they talk about what they've learned a lot during lunch. Did I mention that on Wednesdays, folks buy lunch from us.  They are really good (some of the nicest people give me a taste everyone once in while.)

My pal, Roger, told me that we also have a Learning Center on Mondays on Skidaway Island (wherever that is).  They don't do lunch there, but they have wine and snacks.  Maybe one day I'll get to go.

Better go...someone just sat on the couch next to me and they look like they want to give me a head rub.  Stop by any day and see what's going on at The Learning Center...and don't forget to find me...I'd be happy to walk you to class!